Rec-Beginners Volleyball Rules

Overview of the Rec-Beginners Level

The Rec-Beginners level is designed for players who are new to volleyball or still developing their foundational skills. This level emphasizes learning the rules, gaining confidence in gameplay, and having fun while improving basic abilities. 


Teams may have a minimum of 4 and a max of 12 registered players all must be recreational status players. NO UPPER PLAYERS ALLOWED


The serve and/or any first hit of the team, may be received with close hands, open hands or be bumped. You cannot attack the serve meaning your feet may not leave the ground when receiving a serve causing the ball to be returned to the serving team, but if it stays on your side that is legal and can be played. The ball can be hit with a close hand, knuckle or pushed over with closed or open hands. If you push over with open hands the ball must have very minimal rotation or it is considered a double and illegal, causing your team to lose the point (2nd or 3rd touches only).  

3. Net 

In volleyball, a net violation occurs when a player touches the net with any part of their body while the ball is in play: 


5. Rotation

6. Rotation Order/Player entering the game.

7. Lifts 

8. Attacking the Serve 

9. Game Grace period/Delay infraction

10. Forfeiture Policy

As a participant in the league, you understand the importance of sportsmanship, fairness, and commitment to the games scheduled. In light of ensuring a fair experience for all teams, this waiver outlines the league’s policy on "No Call, No Show" and “Forfeitures” instances.


Multiple Forfeiture Rule

Teams with multiple forfeitures or "No Call, No Show" occurrences may be removed from the league, with no refunds issued.

 11. Substitution Protocol

12. Diablos Issued Shirt

13. Point System Rules for Regular Season and Tournament Play.

14. Points system explained 


16. Any Intermediate Player

17. Players are not allowed to be on 2 different teams as this will cause scheduling problems, unnecessary delays and disadvantages to both teams.